Apr 282011

natty Oggi è il giorno, Ubuntu 11,04 è stata ufficialmente rilasciata ed i loro server sono ora sotto “attacco” da parte di tutti gli utenti Ubuntu che stanno tentando di scaricare la nuova release o aggiornare una precedente versione, per me ci sono volute circa 3 ore per finire il download dei 1400 pacchetti necessari per l’aggiornamento da Xubuntu da 10.10 a 11.04 con 2 disconnessioni nel mezzo.

Ma non viene rilasciata solo Ubuntu, ieri è stata rilasciata Slackware 13.37 (nome in codice leet) ed oggi è stata rilasciata anche la versione 2011.04 di Chakra Linux. Davvero un bel po di novità

ma se avessi dovuto installare da zero non sono così sicuro (come lo ero con la versione 9.10) che avrei scelto ubuntu, si è sempre la più diffusa distribuzione però alcune cose iniziano un po a non piacermi, come i pacchetti Mono di default o Unity al posto di Gnome, piccolezze forse ma comunque indicazioni, vediamo in che direzione andrà per la versione 11.10 e sopratutto per la prossima LTS 12.04.

Caratteristiche delle 3 distribuzioni in 3 righe:

Ubuntu 11.04

Unity è ora il desktop di default per Ubuntu Desktop. Il kernel distribuito è il 2.6.38 e le 2 grande novità sono Libreoffice invece di OpenOffice (grande novità) e Banshee come standard media player (non così grande). Ubuntu è disponibile anche con XFCE e KDE.

Slackware 13.37

Slackware 13.37 utilizza il kernel Linux, e viene fornito anche il kernel, Il tanto atteso Firefox 4.0 browser web è incluso e l’X Window System è stato aggiornato, Slackware non è distribuito con un ambiente desktop di default quindi l’utente può sceglierne uno durante l’installazione.

Chakra 2011.04

Il progetto Chakra è basata su ArchLinux ed è tagliato su misura per funzionare perfettamente con KDE, nella versione 2011.04 vi è il kernel e un sacco di aggiornamenti dei pacchetti. KDE è stato aggiornato alla 4.6.2 ed anche Libreoffice è stato incluso.

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  6 Responses to “Giornata di rilasci per molte distribuzioni Linux”

  1. I was on a Linux distro downloading and testing spree today and of all three I think I like Kubuntu the most. Until recently I’ve been a Ubuntu user, but they totaly broke it with this Unity nonsense. Well In part I understand them, GNOME 3 is even worse. They should just stay with GNOME 2 or even better just make Kubuntu their main distro as KDE is some awesome desktop (and some even more awesome apps) as I just found out today.

    • Be careful with the KDE software. I found it shakey, again needing the 3D functionality to get the desktop to behave. Its pretty but confusing (for me anyway). I don’t do well with all the secret / hidden stuff where you need six fingers on each hand to manage the shortcuts to do the simplest things.

      I’ll try it out again with VBox. Thats the easiest way for me to check things out because they can be exported and saved or simply deleted if you don’t like them.

      Steve Dupuis
      Ottawa, Canada

      • Thanks for the feedback Steve,
        I don’t like too unity, just fixed a kernel problem on Xubuntu 11.04, not much differences for what i’ve saw in 1 day, Libreoffice and Mozilla 4. And i’ll keep Exaile and Parole as Music/video players 😉

  2. Thanks for the article! I could not help noticing that you have not proof-read what you posted. The grammar is atrocious and surely if English is not your first language you should get an English speaking person to help you proof the article before posting it!
    This is meant as objective criticism so please do not take this as a personal attack.

    • Piers,
      Thanks for the feedback and i can only agree with you 🙂
      Yesterday i was in an hurry and while writing also installing the Ubuntu 11.04 update (that failed miserably ;(( )
      So i suppose that this time i’ve wrote worst than usual…i’ll take an eye later on this article, and as usual any suggestion is welcomed, if you want, send me a note at [email protected].

  3. I downloaded the first ubuntu 11.04 beta and have been updating twice a day on 3 machines.

    I loaded the Unity version into a VBox VM .. someone made a comment that it was like having a big iPhone on the desktop. I’m inclined to agree. I couln’t get Unity to work on my laptop, so I’m still using the Gnome 2 kit. The VM version took a lot of work to get it going. I had to update VBox to 4.0.6 and then had to run the client update (4.0.6) before it would recognize the 3D graphics.
    It took a lot of hours, so I’m not looking forward to trying to upgrade it on my VM host machine. I don’t want to break what is currently working.

    The software does run faster though with the new 2.6.38 kernel. That was encouraging. Firefox 4 gave me some trouble. I had to reinstall several of my add-ons even though they passed the update.

    I believe they updated too much this time around. I didn’t install a lot of the standard software: Banshee, Evolution etc. Banshee worked well before they Canonized it, but now its tied to their music store and the desktop. I use VLC on three of my machines and the latest version works extremely well for audio, video and streaming. The default skins are not as pretty, but I don’t really care about eye candy. I want something functional so I’ll stick with that.

    I agree with your wait and see regarding 11.10 and 12.04. Time will tell whether or not I change distros. Its a big job to reinstall 4 machines plus Wine and the Windoze applications I use there so I’m not rushing into anything.

    Steve Dupuis
    Ottawa, Canada

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